Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Why Everyone Says Studying & WORKING Don't Go Together?

Dear All,

There is this issue on my mind… bugging me & it won't stop till I give it a try & actually jot it down. Why would everyone say that it's hard to study & work simultaneously? It's not the fact of time & the tiredness it brings, which is my main concern. Everyone can manage their time… & it would be an easy task to handle all duties at work & attending the class.

As a matter of fact, if we were only supposed to study (I mean attend the class, do researches, home works & all) & have our jobs (mainly the 8 to 4 schedule) it wouldn't be that hard of task to handle.

It is the social circle of the friends & family that make it hard. We all have our duties as Daughters, mothers, spouses, fathers, sons, & siblings. We have a clique of friends we have to keep not only for their benefits, but also for the time we have spent maintaining their cherished friendships. & In School, namely an MBA School, we make new connections, new acquaintances are added to our contacts, & there are numerous team-works & workshops to attend. You have to be part of 'the' class…, either that, or you won't gain anything from the effort you are making attending that school.

Thus, the pressure of your social life is what mostly hinders you from enjoying your job & studies at the same time. It is by fact hard to handle all the social commissions around you… they interfere with each other; duties overlap & you have to push yourself to make everyone satisfied. Even the greatest time managers, have difficult time handling the situation.

The solution? I have none! Maybe, just maybe, if we start learning that it's not up to satisfy everyone & maybe if we learn that WE ourselves come first & set the priorities, then we would be able to handle social pressure…. This & the major help & understanding from our beloveds who think they have a right over us, would help us get better of the time we spent doing what we love: Study & Work together.



Louise Shafaghiha


National Iranian Gas Company


Anonymous said...

salam , man weblogetono khondam ama chera be zabane farsi ham neminevisid ke irani hayi ke be English mosalat nistan ham motale'e konan ?
khastyn be weblogeman sar bezanin
ba ehteram Mehdi

Anonymous said...

I have a solution:
1. Just sit back and relax
2. Choose among the most favorite existing alternatives of yours to do
3. Try to get rid of all gossips told around about your impolite or strange way of life or so
RESULT: You'll re-build your life or fully destroy it!
That's a method anyhow and methods do not all necessarilly match everyone's personal attitudes.

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