Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Academic Dishonesty

& I adore Wikipedia:
Academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise. It can include:

Plagiarism - The adoption or reproduction of ideas or words or statements of another person without due acknowledgment.
Self Plagiarism - The submission of the same work for academic credit more than once without permission.
Fabrication - The falsification of data, information, or citations in any formal academic exercise.
Deception - Providing false information to an instructor concerning a formal academic exercise, e.g. giving a false excuse for missing a deadline or falsely claiming to have submitted work.
Cheating - Any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise without due acknowledgment.
Sabotage - Acting to prevent others from completing their work. This includes cutting pages out of library books or willfully disrupting the experiments of others.
Academic dishonesty has been documented in most every type of educational setting, from elementary school to graduate school, and has been met with varying degrees of approbation throughout history. Today, educated society tends to take a very negative view of academic dishonesty.

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