This blog was created first & foremost to give me access to review the lessons I learn in the class... to give me a tool to establish the facts within me... to be a reference. Yet during the very last year, I had been, to my own surprise, too much involved in my personal relationships & affairs of not-so-importance, that I totally neglected the studying part of life.
I have had my head spined... I have had my ideas silently rebel against me & I have had doubts on doing the right things.
I have learned how to sell myself, How to sell my ideas, how to fake the elegance I dont have to my advantage, how to relate to people around me, how to ignore the soaring urge to punch my peers & how to handle criticism.
I have learned that not everyone is as much enthusiastic as moi, not as much spoiled & not as much idealistic. Not everyone like to dance when people are NOT watching & not everyone is entitled to be called a friend.
I have learned that I have to set goals, I have to design strategy & to analyze my weakness & strengths. I have come to the conclusion that Niche' strategy would be best for people with low abilities like myself. I have in fact, found myself in the middle of a battlefield with my ideals & reality. & I have given up dreams to reach out to real fantasy that is passing me by.
I have had my heart broken for the mere fact of trusting too much & not analyzing the powers of the other side. I have had my life shattered based on the wrong information... & I have had failures just dedicated to not having a global vision.
But now is the time for me to CHANGE. EMBA is not all about business... it is also about business of living your life. Cos life itself is a trade. So I am persuing my lessons to my personal advantage: I aim to find the vision I would be in 3 years & I would have a plan & I will reach it.
In 3 years... I will be 30. & I will have a new life ahead of me.